This is a test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

hpy 0.0.2: First public release

Originally published on the HPy blog.

HPy 0.0.2 is out! This is the first version which is officially released and made available on PyPI.

The major highlight of this release is that it is supported by three different Python implementations: CPython, PyPy and GraalPython.

HPy @ Python Language Summit

Originally published on the HPy blog.

Yesterday I had the privilege to give a talk about HPy (sildes) at the Python Language Summit 2021.

The organizers of the summit will soon publish a full report about the event (edit: now available here), but for the HPy-specific part, we got generally good feedback. Someone has a few concerns that if CPython is to change the API, HPy might not be going far enough. Others said that Python shouldn't wait for the "perfect" API if HPy can be the "good" one that helps it evolve.

Everyone was open to have HPy-compatible wheels on PyPI, once the HPy Universal ABI stays relatively stable. Many people suggested that we should really write a PEP to propose HPy as a "semi-official" API for Python.

Hello, HPy

Originally published on the HPy blog.

HPy has been around for a while now. The initial discussion started during EuroPython 2019, in the good old times when we could still go to conferences and have real-life meetings. Since then, HPy progressed a lot from the point of view of the actual code, but we have been a bit too silent w.r.t. communicating what we are doing to the external world and to the broader Python community. Hopefully, now that this blog is online we will do a better job at periodically communicating the status of HPy, so make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed.

HPy kick-off sprint report

Originally published on the PyPy blog.

Recently Antonio, Armin and Ronan had a small internal sprint in the beautiful city of Gdańsk to kick-off the development of HPy. Here is a brief report of what was accomplished during the sprint.

PyPy for low-latency systems

Originally published on the PyPy blog.

PyPy for low-latency systems

Recently I have merged the gc-disable branch, introducing a couple of features which are useful when you need to respond to certain events with the lowest possible latency. This work has been kindly sponsored by Gambit Research (which, by the way, is a very cool and geeky place where to work, in case you are interested). Note also that this is a very specialized use case, so these features might not be useful for the average PyPy user, unless you have the same problems as described here.

How to ignore the annoying Cython warnings in PyPy 6.0

Originally published on the PyPy blog.

If you install any Cython-based module in PyPy 6.0.0, it is very likely that you get a warning like this:
>>>> import numpy
/data/extra/pypy/6.0.0/site-packages/numpy/random/ UserWarning: __builtin__.type size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 888, got 408
  from .mtrand import *
The TL;DR version is: the warning is a false alarm, and you can hide it by doing:
$ pypy -m pip install pypy-fix-cython-warning
The package does not contain any module, only a .pth file which installs a warning filter at startup.

Technical details

This happens because whenever Cython compiles a pyx file, it generates C code which does a sanity check on the C size of PyType_Type. PyPy versions up to 5.10 are buggy and report the incorrect size, so Cython includes a workaround to compare it with the incorrect value, when on PyPy.
PyPy 6 fixed the bug and now PyType_Type reports the correct size; however, Cython still tries to compare it with the old, buggy value, so it (wrongly) emits the warning.
Cython 0.28.2 includes a fix for it, so that C files generated by it no longer emit the warning. However, most packages are distributed with pre-cythonized C files. For example, include C files which were generated by Cython 0.26.1: if you compile it you still get the warning, even if you locally installed a newer version of Cython.