Pdb++ and rlcompleter_ng

Originally published on the PyPy blog.

When hacking on PyPy, I spend a lot of time inside pdb; thus, I tried to create a more comfortable environment where I can pass my nights :-).

As a result, I wrote two modules:

  • pdb.py, which extends the default behaviour of pdb, by adding some commands and some fancy features such as syntax highlight and powerful tab completion; pdb.py is meant to be placed somewhere in your PYTHONPATH, in order to override the default version of pdb.py shipped with the stdlib;
  • rlcompleter_ng.py, whose most important feature is the ability to show coloured completions depending on the type of the objects.

To find more informations about those modules and how to install them, have a look at their docstrings.

It's important to underline that these modules are not PyPy specific, and they work perfectly also on top of CPython.
