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Hello, HPy

Originally published on the HPy blog.

HPy has been around for a while now. The initial discussion started during EuroPython 2019, in the good old times when we could still go to conferences and have real-life meetings. Since then, HPy progressed a lot from the point of view of the actual code, but we have been a bit too silent w.r.t. communicating what we are doing to the external world and to the broader Python community. Hopefully, now that this blog is online we will do a better job at periodically communicating the status of HPy, so make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed.

What is HPy?

Quoting the frontpage of our website:

HPy provides a new API for extending Python in C. In other words, you use #include <hpy.h> instead of #include <Python.h>.

The official Python/C API is specific to the current implementation of CPython: it exposes many internal details which makes it hard:

  • to implement it for other Python implementations (e.g. PyPy, GraalPython, Jython, IronPython, etc.)

  • to experiment with new things inside CPython itself: e.g. using a GC instead of refcounting, or to remove the GIL.

  • to correctly check things like refcount handling: the external API gets mixed in with implementation details that should be hidden.

Over the years, it has become evident that emulating the Python/C API in an efficient way is challenging, if not impossible. The main goal of HPy is expose a C API which is possible to implement in an efficient way on a number of very diverse Python implementations.

There are several advantages to writing your C extension in HPy:

  • it runs much faster on PyPy, and at native speed on CPython

  • it is possible to compile a single binary which runs unmodified on all supported Python implementations and versions

  • it is simpler and more manageable than the Python/C API

  • it provides an improved debugging experience: in "debug mode", HPy actively checks for many common mistakes such as reference leaks and invalid usage of objects after they have been deleted. It is possible to turn the "debug mode" on at startup time, without needing to recompile Python or the extension itself

See also the official docs for a more in-depth overview.

Show me an example

This is a "normal" Python/C extension:

{{% listing 2021/03/hello-hpy/hello_old.c c %}}

We can compile it with a simple

from setuptools import setup, Extension
    ext_modules = [
        Extension('hello_old', ['hello_old.c']),
$ python build_ext --inplace
$ python
>>> import hello_old
>>> hello_old.add(10, 20)

Now, let's start to uncover the HPy equivalent, piece by piece:

#include <hpy.h>

HPyDef_METH(add, "add", add_impl, HPyFunc_VARARGS,
            .doc = "add two integers");

static HPy add_impl(HPyContext ctx, HPy self, HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs) {
    long a, b;
    if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, NULL, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b))
        return HPy_NULL;
    return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, a+b);

There are a bunch of things which are different from the usual C-extension module:

  • the former PyObject * is now HPy, which we call "a handle". Handles are similar to PyObject *, but are completely opaque: for more information, see the official docs.

  • There is an additional parameter, HPyContext ctx. One of the problems of the old API is that often it implicitly relies on the existence of a per-thread or per-subinterpreter local state. HPyContext makes this state explicit. This makes the whole API more regular and makes it possible to develop new interesting features such as the Universal ABI and the Debug mode.

  • HPy introduces the concept of HPyDefs. HPyDef_METH is a macro which generates the definition of an HPyDef static constant named add, which represents the definition of a Python method implemented by the C function add_impl. In this specific example HPyDef_METH contains more or less the same informations as the old PyMethodDef, but HPyDef are more general. For example, when defining custom types you can use things like HPyDef_SLOT, HPyDef_GETSET, etc.

  • Notice that we no longer need the cast to (PyCFunction). One of the biggest advantages of HPyDef_METH is that since it's a macro, it can automatically generate a forward declaration for add_impl, with the correct signature. This means that if you use the wrong number and/or type of parameters, you get a nice compile-time error instead of an obscure crash at runtime.

  • The signature corresponding to HPyFunc_VARARGS is slighly different than the old METH_VARARGS: we pass positional arguments as a C array instead of a Python tuple. This means that it is possible to call the function without having to allocate a Python tuple, and for example the PyPy implementation of HPy takes advantage of that. This is very similar to CPython's VectorCall protocol.


In this post, we are using a slightly old version of HPy. If you try with a newer version you should use HPyContext *ctx instead of HPyContext ctx. See also Issue #150 and PR #182.

Let's continue our tour of hello_new.c:

static HPyDef *hello_defines[] = {

static HPyModuleDef moduledef = {
    .m_name = "hello_new",
    .m_doc = "hello example using the new HPy API",
    .m_size = -1,
    .defines = hello_defines,

static HPy init_hello_new_impl(HPyContext ctx) {
    return HPyModule_Create(ctx, &moduledef);

This is pretty similar to the old code. The biggest change is that instead of declaring an array of PyMethodDef, we create an array of HPyDef as discussed above.

Finally, we need to modify Compiling an HPy extension is as easy as adding setup_requires=['hpy.devel'] and use hpy_ext_modules:

{{% listing 2021/03/hello-hpy/ python %}}

Compiling HPy extensions

In this demo, we will show how to setup an environment to try HPy and compile extensions on both CPython and PyPy.

At the moment HPy is still in its early stages and the API is still subject to change, so we have not done any official release yet. For the same reason, if you want to use HPy on PyPy or GraalPython, you need to manually ensure to install a version which is supported. This is just temporary, and this kind of things will be sorted out automatically once we start to roll out official releases.

So, we need to install HPy from the github repo. Moreover, the HPy implementations inside PyPy and GraalPython are lagging behind a little, so we will install a slightly old revision:

The first step is to create a venv for CPython and install hpy:

$ python3 -m venv tryhpy
$ . tryhpy/bin/activate
$ pip install wheel
$ pip install git+git://

To install a nightly build of PyPy it is enough to unpack the tarball and run -m ensurepip. We can check what is the HPy version supported by PyPy by calling hpy.universal.get_version():

$ curl -O
$ tar xf pypy-c-jit-101860-a2f7c80062e8-linux64.tar.bz2
$ ./pypy-c-jit-101860-a2f7c80062e8-linux64/bin/pypy -m ensurepip

$ ./pypy-c-jit-101860-a2f7c80062e8-linux64/bin/pypy
>>>> import hpy.universal
>>>> hpy.universal.get_version()
('0.1.dev959+geb07982', 'eb07982')

For GraalPython, just unpack the tarball and create a venv:

$ curl -LO
$ tar xzf graalpython-dev-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ graalpython-21.1.0-dev-linux-amd64/bin/graalpython -m venv hpy-venv
$ hpy-venv/bin/graalpython
>>> import hpy.universal
>>> hpy.universal.get_version()
>>> ('0.1.dev950+g98f448a', '98f448a')

Now that our enviroment is ready, we can compile and try our extensions:

$ cd /path/to/example/
$ . /path/to/tryhpy/bin/activate    # activate the venv
$ python build_ext --inplace

$ ls -1 *.so

$ python
>>> import hello_old, hello_new
>>> hello_old.add(10, 20)
>>> hello_new.add(30, 40)

It worked! One important thing to note is the filename of hello_new: is the standard filename for CPython 3.8 extension modules. This happens because by default hpy_ext_modules targets the CPython ABI. As such, from the point of view of CPython hello_new is indistinguishable from hello_old. It also means that HPy is required only to compile it but not to import it later. Finally, we expect the performance to be the very same as the extensions using the old API.

However, we can also explicitly ask HPy to produce an "universal binary", which targets the HPy Universal ABI: as the name implies, universal binaries can be imported by CPython, but also by alternative implementations such as PyPy. We can build universal binaries by passing --hpy-abi=universal to

$ # clean the previous build
$ rm -rf build/ *.so

$ python --hpy-abi=universal build_ext --inplace
$ ls -1 *.so

Note the filename: hello_old is still a CPython-specific extension, but is an universal binary. Once compiled, you can import it as usual:

$ python
>>> import hello_old, hello_new
>>> hello_old.add(10, 20)
>>> hello_new.add(30, 40)
>>> hello_new.__file__


At the moment of writing, because of Issue #191 if you try to print the repr of hello_new, you see something like this (note the .py extension):

>>> hello_new
<module 'hello_new' from '/.../hello-hpy/'>

Note that on its own, CPython does not know how to import files. The magic is done by the, which is automatically generated by

$ cat
def __bootstrap__():
    from hpy.universal import load_from_spec
    ext_filepath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '')
    m = load_from_spec(Spec('hello_new', ext_filepath))
    sys.modules[__name__] = m


Finally, we can try to import our shiny new universal binary on PyPy:

$ /path/to/pypy-c-jit-101860-a2f7c80062e8-linux64/bin/pypy
>>>> import hello_new
>>>> hello_new.add(10, 20)
>>>> hello_new.__file__

Similarly, it also just works on GraalPython:

$ /path/to/graalpython/hpy-venv/bin/graalpython
>>> import hello_new
>>> hello_new.add(10, 20)

That's all you need to get started with HPy. What we presented today is just the basics, of course: in the next posts we will dig more into the technical details, and show more interesting features than just a hello world.

Stay tuned!

(edited on 2021-03-31 to include GraalPython)
