Porting the JIT to CLI (part 3)
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
In my two previous posts, we talked about the PyPy JIT generator, seeing that it can produce huge speedups and how its backend-independent frontend works.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
In my two previous posts, we talked about the PyPy JIT generator, seeing that it can produce huge speedups and how its backend-independent frontend works.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
In my previous post, we saw that PyPy JIT generator can produce huge speedups when applied to the tlc toy language.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
As the readers of this blog already know, I have been working on the CLI JIT backend for some months: last Friday, it reached an important milestone, as it is now able to produce huge speedups for a little dynamic language. To know how huge the speedup is, read on :-).
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
Following the great success of code_swarm, I recently produced a video that shows the commit history of the PyPy project.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
When hacking on PyPy, I spend a lot of time inside pdb; thus, I tried to create a more comfortable environment where I can pass my nights :-).
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
As happened in the last years, there will be a PyPy sprint just after EuroPython. The sprint will take place in the same hotel as the conference, from 10th to 12th of July.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
In the last months, I've actively worked on the CLI backend for PyPy's JIT generator, whose goal is to automatically generate JIT compilers that produces .NET bytecode on the fly.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
As you surely know, Python 3.0 is coming; recently, they released Python 3.0 alpha 3, and the final version is expected around September.
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
After having spent the last few days on understanding PyPy's JIT, today I went back hacking the clr module. As a result, it is now possible to import and use external assemblies from pypy-cli, including Windows Forms
Originally published on the PyPy blog.
A while ago Amit Regmi, a student from Canada, started working on the clr module improvements branch as a university project.